I really like Richard Kilroy's illustrative style; the photo-realistic combined with simple outlines, bold patches of colour contrasting the monochromatic majority and his use of negative space to draw the eyes of the viewer to the model or garments. His illustrations are incredibly realistic and effective, without losing any creative flare. Each individual illustration could stand on its own as a piece of fine art.
Taken from Kilroy's book; 'Menswear Illustration' ' "Kilroy illustrates his men in photorealistic style, using graphite, which renders them in the manner of statues. Increasingly he works directly with models, selecting them for the features that have always appealed to him: a strong nose, good hands,m a pronounced Adam's apple, piercing eyes and a beguiling stare. While they are men, they are still slim and young with a boyish quality. Kilroy's style plays with negative space, suggestion and simplicity. Photorealism is combined with fluid lines and colour is used sparingly and effectively. His work is also identifiable for its detailing of garments, particularly when it comes to interpreting the surface of leather".